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Cosy Rip Socks

This pattern is simple and classic, and a great first socks project for beginners hence it uses a worsted weight yarn instead of fingering which is more difficult for some newbies, even expert knitters need some easy peasy project every now and then You can find a pdf paid version of the pattern in ravelry for 3$ only Materials 60g of any worsted weight yarn 5mm / 80cm or 100cm circular needle Notions: Scissor, 2 Markers, Darning needle Gauge 16.5 sts x 24 rows = 10cm Size 22.5cm x 10cm Abbreviations K: knit P: purl k2tog: knit two together W&T: wrap and turn around next stitch Rep: Repeat PM: put marker M: marker Sl: slip stitch St:  stitch Sts: stitches Note W&T in a knit stitch: sl next stitch to right needle with yarn in back, bring yarn in front, sl back stitch to left needle, bring yarn to back and turn your work W&T in a purl stitch: sl next stitch to right needle with yarn in front, bring yarn to back, sl back stitch to left needle, bring yarn to front and turn yo

Adams First Sweater

My son Adam in
turning 4 in couple of months and this is the first sweater I made for him so
the name comes from there, I can’t believe how time passes and I have never
made him anything but it’s better late than never right!! 


Ice yarn Alara in blue and grey or other dk weight yarn

You will need approximately / 200g / 280g / 360g

3.0mm / 80cm circular needle

2.5mm / 80cm circular needles for ripping

3.0 DPNs for sleeves or use the same circular needle with magic loop

Notions: Scissor, Darning needle, Measuring tape, Markers


24 sts x 39 rows = 10cm


2 / 3 / 4  years


K: knit

P: purl

Rep: repeat

BO: bind off

WS: wrong side

Sts: stitches

Rnd: round

Ssk: slip, slip, knit

K2tog: knit 2 together

Dec: decrease

Patterns Instructions

Share your project with
@zarkashaat #zarkashaat #adamsfirstsweater

With smaller needle cast on 144, 160, 176 and start working 1×1 ripping for 3cm / 3cm / 4cm, switch to larger needle and follow up the body stitch for 26cm / 28cm / 30cm

Body Stitch

Rnd 1: *k4, p4, Rep from * to end

Rnd 2: *k4, p1, k2, p1, Rep from * to end

Repeat rnd 1 & 2 twice for total of 6 rnds

Rnd 7: *p4, k4, Rep from * to end

Rnd 8: *p1, k2, p1, k4, Rep from * to end

Repeat rnd 7 & 8 twice for total of 6 rnds (here you reach rnd 12)

Now repeat from rnd 1 to 12 for the right measurement

Stripes section

Work stripes in stockinette

2 rnds in grey / 3 rnds in blue / 2 rnds in grey / 2 rnds in blue

Divide for front and back

Divide your stitches in half put them in a scrap yarn or a spare needle

Back – with grey color

Work back and forth in stockinette stitch until you reach 31.5cm / 33.5cm / 36.5cm from hem

Start shaping back neck opening (K22, BO28, K22) / (K25, BO30, K25) / (K28, BO32, K28)

Working in left shoulder

Row 1, 3, 5: (WS) p all sts

Row 2 & 4: k1, ssk, k to end

BO shoulder stitches, cut yarn


Go back to the right shoulder starting in the wrong side, attach your yarn

Row 1, 3, 5: (WS) p all sts

Row 2 & 4: k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1

BO shoulder stitches, cut yarn

Front– with grey color​

Attach your yarn and work stockinette for 4cm / 4cm / 4.5cm

Start shaping front neck opening (K25, BO22, K25) / (K28, BO24, K28) / (K31, BO26, K31)

Working in left shoulder (WS) Stockinette 5 / 5 / 7 rows following by dec row until you have 20 / 23 / 26 sts on the needle

Decrease row: k1, ssk, k to end

BO shoulder stitches, cut yarn leaving a tail for seaming

Working in right shoulder (WS) Stockinette 5 / 5 / 7 rows following by dec row until you have 20 / 23 / 26 sts on the needle

Decrease row: k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1

BO shoulder stitches, cut yarn leaving a tail for seaming


Seam shoulder stitches in both sides


Pick up 3 sts every 4 rows and make sure to keep an even number of sts around the sleeves opening then knit for 3cm / 4cm / 5cm

Start decreasing one rnd following by 9 knit rnds till sleaves length measure 20cm / 25cm / 30cm and stop in a dec rnd

Dec rnd: k1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, ssk, k1

Stripes section

Work stripes in stockinette

2 rnds in blue / 2 rnds in grey / 3 rnds in blue/ 2 rnds in grey


Add 3cm / 3cm / 4cm of 1×1 ripping in blue

BO your stitches or use the tubular bind off method for more elasticity


Pick up sts in 3 sides of the neck opening leaving the front side as it is, then start 1×1 ripping for 10cm / 12cm / 14cm


Seaming the front neck

Sew half way of both sides of the ripping to the center of the front opening (use pins to help you sew to the right point)


Thank you for making this sweater, I hope you enjoyed it and I would like to see your version of it

You can follow the video tutorial for this sweater here


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