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Cosy Rip Socks

This pattern is simple and classic, and a great first socks project for beginners hence it uses a worsted weight yarn instead of fingering which is more difficult for some newbies, even expert knitters need some easy peasy project every now and then You can find a pdf paid version of the pattern in ravelry for 3$ only Materials 60g of any worsted weight yarn 5mm / 80cm or 100cm circular needle Notions: Scissor, 2 Markers, Darning needle Gauge 16.5 sts x 24 rows = 10cm Size 22.5cm x 10cm Abbreviations K: knit P: purl k2tog: knit two together W&T: wrap and turn around next stitch Rep: Repeat PM: put marker M: marker Sl: slip stitch St:  stitch Sts: stitches Note W&T in a knit stitch: sl next stitch to right needle with yarn in back, bring yarn in front, sl back stitch to left needle, bring yarn to back and turn your work W&T in a purl stitch: sl next stitch to right needle with yarn in front, bring yarn to back, sl back stitch to left needle, bring yarn to front and turn yo

The Blocks Bag

The blocks bag is an easy and beginner friendly crochet pattern, I first made this bag in the 90’s when I started to learn crochet and of course at that time there wasn’t such a thing that called the world wide web, and not much other resources as well. so, I was mostly self-learning by doing and forging, I’m sure you will find some joy mindless crochet this project, I usually use it as a project bag


Thin silk lace weight yarn (you are really free to choose any yarn)
1.5mm crochet hook
Notions: Scissor, Darning needle


totally depend on your yarn choice


Freely adjustable


ch: chain
dc: double crochet
hdc: half double crochet
sl: slip stitch
sk: skip
sp: space
nxt: next

Patterns Instructions

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@zarkashaat #zarkashaat


Start by ch multiple of 6 sts + 5 sts (your desire width)
Rnd 1: dc in 5th ch from hook, *ch1, sk1, dc in nxt st, rep from * to last 2 sts, sk1, (ch1, dc) 5 times in the very last st, working in the opposite side, *ch1, sk1, dc in nxt st, rep from * to last 2 sts, ch1, sk1, in last st, which is actually the first st worked, (dc, ch1) 3 times, sl in 3rd ch
Rnd 2 & 3: ch5, sk sp, dc,*ch1, sk sp, dc, rep from * to last sp, ch1, sl in 3rd ch
Rnd 4: ch3, 2dc in nxt sp, dc, *ch2, sk nxt (sp, st, sp), dc, 2dc in sp, dc, rep from * to last (sp, st, sp), ch2, sl in 3rd ch
Rnd 5: ch5, *4dc in nxt sp, ch2, rep from * to last sp, 3dc, sl in 3rd ch
Rnd 6: ch3, 3dc in first sp, *ch2, 4dc in sp, rep from * to the end, ch2, sl in 3rd ch
Repeat Rnd 5 and 6 till you have a square shape or to desired length
Last Rnd: ch2, hdc, 5dc, hdc in each sp around, in last space finish with hdc, 5dc, sl in 2nd ch, cut yarn and weave the end


Crochet 3 ch in the same length with double strands of yarn and braid them to create the handle
Note: make the chains a bit longer than the length you want for the handle as it is going to shorten slightly after braiding
Attach the braided handle to each side, weave all ends

Draw string

Make a long ch about 3 times the width, then insert it in and out in 4th rnd from the top to create a draw string
Note: you can use a darning needle to help you with this step

I hope you enjoyed crocheting this bag, see you in the next project

You can follow the video tutorial for this project here


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